Thursday, July 2, 2009

Back, M-f ers!

So, I'm finally back, and I miss everyone that I was in Greece with, though I am definitely stoked to be back with my hubby and friends here. I went over 24 hours traveling, and thought I was going to go crazy. But, I didn't! And, I'm back at home, loving life, remembering the most awesome things ever. I need to post pictures and more on this later.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Back in Athens

So, we came back to Athens to chill for a few days and just hang out. We've had a few excursions, but they've all been optional, and though I'd love to go and do everything, a few nights of only getting four hours or so of sleep has left me more than a little bit sleep-deprived. So, I've caught up on naps, hung out with friends, and went dancing with everyone yet again. What can I say? I love getting my dance on with friends. Anyway, it's been fun in Athens, but aside from a little shopping and dancing, I can't say I've done much else here...But it's off to Delphi on tomorrow, and then on to Olympia. :D

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Party on the beach, bitches.

So, my lovely friend Ashley just turned 21 here in Greece, and because we have a partying kind of group, we really went all out for her. We had a bit of formal festivities with cake and such, and then, went out to eat as a group. Then, the party started. I stocked up on my alcohol, as did everyone else, and went down to the beach to rock it out with the birthday girl. So, we devised a plan. We have couple of pretty attractive guys, so we wrote "Happy Birthday Ashley" on their chest in whipped cream and sent em out to the beach in their skivvies. Then, she got a lap dance, and we made her lick the whipped cream off. It rocked. She loved it-then, she got a full blown lap dance from one of the guys here, and that was pretty hot, I'm not going to lie. So, we all got drunk and crazy, and I got a little too drunk and I had to make an earlier departure back to the hotel, where my friend Kevin made sure I puked my guts up and then got in bed. So, pace myself next time, lesson learned (I've learned this many times over in my life). But, we all had a great time, dancing, yelling, swimming, and being fucking crazy assed bitches and dudes.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Sifnos has been pretty amazing, and it is my favorite place so far. It's totally chill. Our hotel has been my favorite thus far, and we get a great internet connection. I really like that, because my picture posting capacity has grown exponentially. Plus, the little port town that we are in basically rocks. Our hotel is right on the beach, so I've been hanging out there a lot, drinking with friends on the beach. Last night, we layed out on the beach until a little after midnight listening to Tom Petty, Bob Marley, The Rolling Stones, and other such awesome music.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Yay. So, Santorini was great-I was really glad that I opted to go to Santorini for our 'break'. It was so much fun, though I missed everyone who stayed in Naxos a lot. First, we went to the beach, which was amazing. It was crazy. It was made up of smooth stones, large and small. We also met someone from the Sublime Cover band, Badfish. He and a friend were chilling it up at the bus stop, and our group of 12 convinced them to come hang with us on the beach. It was awesome. I have listened to a fair amount of Badfish in my day, so that was exciting. Then we all got drunk as fuck at the hotel and messed around. The next day was pretty awesome. We rode a boat to the nearby volcano, and walked it, and then went to the hotsprings and rubbed mud all over ourselves. Only four of us went but we had an uber blast. Then, later we all went to this gothy looking club. It seemed crazy at first, as some weren't into that scene, but it ended up being awesome. The music was all American rock and roll. It was awesome. They kept giving us free drinks...I'm guessing it was because we were dancing and bringing a lot of fun into the bar. Everyone was dancing on the bar the whole time, and I was even convinced to get up there and dance for awhile. It was awesome-I never thought I'd do that. So all in all, I liked Santorini. :D

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Naxos is a place that I have liked thus far. I leave to Santorini on the morrow, and I cannot wait for that. It's going to be absolutely amazing. I can't wait for that place. 16 of us are going, and we're going to have a great time together. I really love greece, though I do miss my hubby sorely. But, anyway, Naxos is small, but big enough to find things to do. It's infinitely less expensive than Mykonos, and I like them apples. So, even though there is probably a lot to say, I'm going to post some pics and leave it at that.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mykonos Dilos and Naxos as I've experienced it so far

Mykonos island was very beautiful, though it was more expensive than I would have liked. I chalk this up to the fact that it is a tourist laden type of place. It was a great experience staying there, save a few small exceptions. Oh lord, guys. We went out dancing at this place called Down Under our first night there, and as we walked in this very obviously drunken man standing at the door of the place decided that I needed a jolt, and slapped me on the ass really hard as I walked in the door. That was uncomfortable. There were at least two prettier girls in front and back of me walking in, and I was the one he decided to slap. It gets better. I'm in the club, and all of us are getting a few beers, and I'm feeling really uncomfortable about the whole place. It seemed sketchy, but after I had a few beers I was feeling alright and dancing with a couple of the people that came with us to the place. Well, this guy walks by, and my good friend who is with me dancing sees him, and recognises him as the one who had assalted me earlier. As he's walking past, she slaps his ass as hard as she can (without my prompting, the whole ordeal had pissed her off), and to my surprise, the guy turns around, looks at her, looks at me, and then shrugs and leaves. Anyway, that was funny. And they have the nicest gay bar that we went to the next night...a bunch of us girls and a few guys went down to check it out, and talked with some really nice people from London. It was really chill there. Dilos was also really cool. I have a nice picture or two of that to show....the ruins were epic.
We've been in Naxos about a day and a half, and I have to say, I like it most here. Things are cheaper, more interesting, and we took a day long bus tour of the place, getting off of the bus at the most prominent places. And, we got to stop at a beach at the end of our trip, and I swam in that fucker like the badass bitch I am, and had a good old time doing it. I'd never been in a sea before, so I milked the crap out of that experience, though we do have a beach also that is close to our hotel. The swim in the sea was relaxing, and I'm really tired but I had so much fun today. I cannot believe the relationships I've formed already with these people that I'd just met, and I never want them to leave my life!! <3 So, I've definitely had fun so far.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Some thoughts on Athens

Greece is beautiful, and it is so much different. Athens is so beautiful, and it is soooo huge. I couldn't believe how many cops littered the streets, for seemingly no reason at all. For some reason, this doesn't make me feel very safe, as there are people in the streets that are readily and openly doing some pretty shady dealings, especially in certain parts of town. And traffic guys.....traffic. Pedestrians have to mob the street to get an opening to cross, and I know that I've almost been hit at least five times in the last four days. But the food is delicious. All that feta cheese, olive oil and fresh fruits and veggies really agree with me. Plus, drinking-one could sit right out on the street and drink, if one wishes. In fact, it was rather nice-the day before yesterday, we were going to the acropolis, and a few of us decided to drink a bottle of wine in the square before entering the place. It was nice, relaxing and refreshing....And I know that it's merely a novelty at this point, but it is so nice to be able to do that.




Ok, so the last few days have been really busy, and super fun. I tried to post something yesterday, but unfortunately, the internet here is sometimes a little less than awesome...I wrote a pretty long post yesterday but the net was so slow and my post didn't make it up.

The day before yesterday, we went to the acropolis, which was supercool. Seeing the theater and the Parenthenon was amazing! I took a bunch of pictures, but they might not make it up for awhile if the internet persists in sucking. I loved the marble ground, so old and slick, and the sqeaking sound it made while everyone walked upon it was interesting.

Yesterday, we visited the Archeology museum here in Athens, and it was really interesting. Seeing statues of all of the Greek Gods and Godesses was breathtaking. The dipictions of Posideon were particularly cool, and it was just really awesome all around

And now comes the really interesting part. We didn't have classes this morning, so that meant no homework to get finished. This basically translated into a bunch of us deciding that going out dancing together would be really fun. So, we went dancing. First, we stopped by a club which nobody was dancing in-we were in fact the only people there. So, we bought a few drinks, and decided it was time to go to the next place. That was so much more fun. There were a bunch of girls, and a few guys that went with us. They were readily being passed around, dancing with all of us, keeping us safe from the creeps that tried to feel us up and stuff. And beileve me, that did happen to all of us a couple of times. And we were all super fucking hard core drunk. One guy didn't even make it to the second club, because he had already gotten way too sloshed to continue ahead. But all in all, it was really fun, and we eventually got back to the hotel. Of course, when we did get back, one of the guys that was with us was really drunk, and fell up the stairs, almost bursting his 18 euro bottle of Merlot. Oh boy. But, we all eventually got to bed safe and sound.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I am here now

So, I'm here sitting on the roof of he Attilos hotel in the middle of Athens drinking a glass of Grecian rose wine, wondering how I ever got so lucky. From here, I can see the Acropolis, which is one of the most beautiful sights, especially illuminated in the early twilight. There are these beautiful blue blossomed trees here, and they fascinate me. They're so beautiful. There is a balcony outside of our hotel room, and it is amazing. I'm totally going to be waking up early to look at the Grecian sunrise.

So, the plane rides were seeminly endless, but oh so worth it. I especially loved being in the German airport, and asking a non-german person what time it was, auf deutsch. He looked at me, as though I were the biggest dumbass ever, and stated solemly that he was Canadian, and didn't know what the hell I was saying. So, laughed and asked again in English and apologized. He was nice enough after that. However, I really got to show off the German I did know to the sweetest German family on the plane to Athens.

Today, I'm a little shell shocked by the awesome of it all. I have a couple of pictures, but I'll definitely post some tomorrow.

Monday, May 25, 2009

So, I leave on the morrow

I'm extremely excited. I created this blog, at the suggestion of a very smart friend, so that others could sort of get in on what I'll be up to while in Greece. I know it's not going to be the most interesting thing ever, but I will try to provide pictures, and writing whenever possible, about every aspect of the trip. I've never been out of the country before, and I'm doing something I never dreamed I'd now, all you guys need to do is sit back and watch the journey.

Love and hugs to all I'll miss (which means everyone!)