Sunday, May 31, 2009


Ok, so the last few days have been really busy, and super fun. I tried to post something yesterday, but unfortunately, the internet here is sometimes a little less than awesome...I wrote a pretty long post yesterday but the net was so slow and my post didn't make it up.

The day before yesterday, we went to the acropolis, which was supercool. Seeing the theater and the Parenthenon was amazing! I took a bunch of pictures, but they might not make it up for awhile if the internet persists in sucking. I loved the marble ground, so old and slick, and the sqeaking sound it made while everyone walked upon it was interesting.

Yesterday, we visited the Archeology museum here in Athens, and it was really interesting. Seeing statues of all of the Greek Gods and Godesses was breathtaking. The dipictions of Posideon were particularly cool, and it was just really awesome all around

And now comes the really interesting part. We didn't have classes this morning, so that meant no homework to get finished. This basically translated into a bunch of us deciding that going out dancing together would be really fun. So, we went dancing. First, we stopped by a club which nobody was dancing in-we were in fact the only people there. So, we bought a few drinks, and decided it was time to go to the next place. That was so much more fun. There were a bunch of girls, and a few guys that went with us. They were readily being passed around, dancing with all of us, keeping us safe from the creeps that tried to feel us up and stuff. And beileve me, that did happen to all of us a couple of times. And we were all super fucking hard core drunk. One guy didn't even make it to the second club, because he had already gotten way too sloshed to continue ahead. But all in all, it was really fun, and we eventually got back to the hotel. Of course, when we did get back, one of the guys that was with us was really drunk, and fell up the stairs, almost bursting his 18 euro bottle of Merlot. Oh boy. But, we all eventually got to bed safe and sound.

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